European Doctoral School of Demography
European demography owes a lot to Jim, not only because of his excellent scientific work, which resounds far beyond the discipline of demography, but also because of his ability to build lasting institutions and organizations. Jim was one of the founding fathers of the EDSD, and has devoted a lot of time and energy to make the school to what it is today: one of the most important and influential educational demographic institutions around for new generations of demographers. We will miss him in many respects. He was still very active as rector of the school, in teaching, as member of the Board and in the admission committee for new students. He has had an immense influence on the careers of new generations of demographers. At the same time, he was the warmest, most enthusiastic, and unpretentious colleague you could imagine. We owe it to him to develop the school further. It is primarily his legacy.
His demise is a great shock for his colleagues, for the whole community of demographers, and certainly also for the EDSD. We should cherish the privilege to have worked with him.